As you know, my name is Anne-Marie, and I am known on the net as Compassionate Angel or sometimes Scarlet
(yup, you guessed hair is red).
I love computers and spend my spare time... on line... either working on a webpage or aimlessly wandering through cyberspace. I live in Florida, own and work over 20 Registered Arabian Horses. Some might call me crazy but I love what I do, and that is very important to me, mind you as with everything, it does have it's days. I also write poetry and love angels, faeries, elves and fantasy. Sometimes, I combine them all together on a page. It is so much fun, trying to be creative in my web page design. With that in mind, I bid you..."Good Day". I suppose you are all wondering where the picture is... well, here it is. It isn't a very good one and I'm in "my horsey work clothes", but soon, it will be replaced or at least another one side by side in "my dress up clothes". I hope you enjoy my website and please come back again.