Ancient Sayings
Your love is not worth the candle; it is worth the whole bonfire...
Let us select the colors of our emotions, discordant or harmonious, harsh or quiet, weak or strong......
Select the colors of your acts, cold or warm, fearful or daring, small or big...
Each moment of our lives is a brush stroke in the beautiful painting of our love......
These are bold, sweeping strokes of one increasing, dynamic purpose...
These are the lights and shadows that make our love deep and strong...
These are the little touches that add the stamp of love and worth......
The art of love is the art of making love, your love, my love, a masterpiece...
Our love is being great now, being forgiving now, being tolerant now, being successful now, instread of postponing posivite and constructive, living to some vague and indefinite future......
It is knowing that when we move into the future it becomes NOW, and that now is the appointed time...
It is heeding the wisdom of the ancient Chinese seer who observed, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", and it is taking that step today...
It is the beginning today to have the love you want to have...
It is developing an awareness of the infinite possibilities in each magic moment...
So, it is my dear that I shall be not only your lover, but also your dearest friend...
I will strive to be "like a shadow of a great rock in a weary land", to be a source of refuge and strength, if you should ever walk in darkness...
I shall strive to life you up, not cast you down; to encourage, not discourage; to set an example that will be an inspiration to you...
To be your friend, I shall be sensitively responsive to your dreams and aims and will show sincere appreciation for the contributions you make for the enrichment of mankind...
To be your friend, I shall practice the companionship of silence and the magic of words that speech may build and not destroy, help and not hinder...
I shall be tolerant, have an understanding heart and forgiving nature, knowing that all men stumble now and then and that he who never made a mistake never accomplished anything...
To be your friend, I shall attempt to reform or reprimand and will strive to make you happy, if I can...
~ Anne-Marie Hodgeson ~