In the Beginning
In the beginning, I saw ye, wanted, ye, knowing ye were a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thou sawest ye, yearned for ye, to know ye, to spake unto ye, comfort ye. But alas! Thou dreams and yearning were shattered and ye were gone, ye passed...forever thou thought. Then it came to pass that a bright light upon a mountain shone with a message that, who shall ever believeth in God shall not perish but have eternal life...thou knewest ye believeth in God...and knew ye would return again, unto thee. And it came to pass as ye journeyed from the east that we found each other and we found a plain in thy land and dwelt there. We were fruitful and multiplied and to thee I gave my eternal love. Then, once again upon a darkened night, it came to pass when thou was in hard labour, that the midwife said, "fear not", "thou shall have another son", and upon his first outcry, ye soul was in departing, thou criest out to ye...and as thee departed, cried "my love", "I sleep but a little, only until the day break, and the shadows flee away, thou will return to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense". And as the sun arose in the east, there was a sudden awaking and thou dreamed yet another dream that your soul would return to the earth once more. Then a certain man asked, what is this dream that thou dreams? Why do thou wander the Streets and the Broadway? What seekest thou? "Thy seeketh she, whom my soul loveth, my fair maiden, my love, my soul, my spirit, the closure of the circle of complete and fruitful maiden". I shall find this spirit of my body, my heart, whom my soul loveth. I am like a pelican of the wilderness, I am an owl of the desert, I watch and am as a sparrow alone, upon the house top, waiting patiently for she, whom my soul loveth. Her cheeks were as a bed of spices, sweet flowers, her lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. Her hands are as gold rings set with rubies and diamonds. Her mouth is most sweet, yea, she is altogether lovely, this is my beloved, this is my friend, whom my soul loveth. Set me as a seal upon thy heart forever, for love is strong as death, many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown love. Make haste my beloved and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices, return to beloved, whom my soul loveth.